PDA Membership

Our Mission

Welcome to the Petaluma Downtown Association!  By joining our organization, you become part of a community of businesses, property owners, and individuals who are committed to maintaining the historic downtown as an active and dynamic retail center. It is only through the effort and commitment of people like you that our organization can accomplish its goals.

The Petaluma Downtown Association works in partnership with its members, the city, and the business community to protect Petaluma's historic character, sustain economic vitality, and promote a dynamic and welcoming downtown.

Downtown Petaluma is a reflection of how a community sees itself and its future should be a vital concern for every citizen and businessperson in the community. A vibrant, prosperous, and attractive downtown will increase pride in the area and be a visible barometer of the wellbeing of the entire community.

The Petaluma Downtown Association is working to take care of Downtown's future, today, & tomorrow for:

  • MERCHANTS located in the Downtown who want to bring more customers into their stores, restaurants, businesses.
  • LONG-TIME RESIDENTS who remember how their hometown used to be.
  • PARENTS who want their children to grow up in a community with a strong sense of identity.
  • INDIVIDUALS who care about Petaluma's values and history.
  • BUSINESSPEOPLE in all areas of the community who benefit from increased economic growth and civic pride generated throughout the Downtown.
  • NEW RESIDENTS who are looking for a sense of community.